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UNREAL (in progress) - Animation implementation

Project Description

This is my personal project worked on during holidays in year 3 of my study at Breda University of Applied Sciences. For this project I used Motion Capture data from my year 2 project Little Thorns, that I cleaned up myself, and implemented this in Unreal.

My Goal

The goal of this project is to set up my character using blueprint. This is to show that I am able to work in engine with state machines, blendspaces, animation montages etc.


Motion Builder 2017
Engine: UE 4
Time: 1 week


On the left the current state machine with several basic movements, idle, jump, run and 2 attacks. The system currently works. 

There are 3 different idle states in the idle event that within the blueprint get randomized. 


The idea is that the idle inserts can't be chosen twice in a row. 

This however is still in proces as I currently can't keep it from happening. 

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